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List of 13 items.

  • Board Chair: Owen Cameron

    Class of 1999

    Role: Board Chair
    Year Joined OBA Board: 2017

    What Committee(s) do you currently sit on with the OBA Board?
    · House Committee 

    What is your favourite memory of your time attending St. George’s School?
    I was a “lifer” at Saints and enjoyed many moments and memories over the years I attended the school. I would have to say that the trips for Outdoor Education and the numerous opportunities I had to travel on the Basketball and Rugby teams are some of my top highlights.

    Why did you join the OBA Board?
    A considerable number of my closest friends are alumni (spanning many grad years), and I have truly enjoyed attending many of the events put on for the alumni community over the years. I jumped at the chance when I was offered an opportunity to join the OBA Alumni Board and be part of its mission and outstanding service to give back to the School and the alumni community.

    Are/have any of your children or grandchildren attend(ing/ed) St. George’s?
    Bryce Cameron ‘30
    Braeden Cameron ’33
  • Board Vice Chair: Allan McGavin

    Class of 2004

    Role: Board Vice Chair
    Year Joined OBA Board: 2016

    What Committee(s) do you currently sit on with the OBA Board?
    · Finance & Fundraising Committee
    · House Committee (Chair)

    What is your favourite memory of your time attending St. George’s School?
    Our undefeated Grade 12 rugby season.

    Why did you join the OBA Board?
    To re-connect with the camaraderie of the OBA Alumni and support the development of the School community.

    Are/have any of your children or grandchildren attend(ing/ed) St. George’s?
  • Board Secretary: Jeffrey Lee

    Class of 2004

    Role: Board Secretary
    Year Joined OBA Board: 2020

    What Committee(s) do you currently sit on with the OBA Board?
    · Signature Committee
    · Global Network Committee (Chair)

    What is your favourite memory of your time attending St. George’s School?
    While there are many fond memories of my time at Saints, several come first to mind: Outdoor Education excursions and the European Band Tour. I still remember them vividly, both because of how they opened my eyes and ignited a desire for adventure and because I was able to experience it together with good friends.

    Why did you join the OBA Board?
    The Saints community continues to be a significant presence in my life, even today. Many of my closest friends are Saints alumni from various years. I think there’s much to be said about the power of relationships as a force multiplier for getting great things done. As the Saints community has had a positive impact on my life after grad, I hope to also have a hand in continuing this impact for other alumni.

    Are/have any of your children or grandchildren attend(ing/ed) St. George’s?
  • Board Treasurer: Matthew Lau

    Class of 2012

    Role: Board Treasurer
    Year Joined OBA Board: 2018

    What Committee(s) do you currently sit on with the OBA Board?
    · Finance & Fundraising Committee (Chair)
    · Recent Graduates & Mentorship Committee

    What is your favourite memory of your time attending St. George’s School?
    Joining the music program and participating in three school bands. We explored a variety of genres from classical to jazz, and this took us to concert halls all the way to Europe and throughout the Pacific Northwest. One particularly memorable experience was hosting a jam session (think, Duke Ellington and Count Basie) at a small venue in rural Germany, and witnessing the bewilderment on everyone's faces. P.S. They loved it.

    Why did you join the OBA Board?
    With graduate classes spanning from the early 1930s to the present day, the OBA Alumni is blessed with a richness in diversity. Bringing Alumni together to meet familiar faces, and connecting them to new ones, is one of the most important and valuable duties we can perform as an Alumni association. We are uniquely positioned to bridge generations.

    Are/have any of your children or grandchildren attend(ing/ed) St. George’s?
  • Immediate Past Board Chair: Rodan Gopaul-Singh

    Class of 1988

    : Board Chair
    Year Joined OBA Board: 2005

    What Committee(s) do you currently sit on with the OBA Board?
    · Brand & Communications Committee (Chair)

    What is your favourite memory of your time attending St. George’s School?
    Overall, it was the laughter. On the sports field, in the lunchroom, in the hallway, in the classroom. You knew your classmates really well, had a lot of shared experiences, and there was always something either staid or absurd that was inevitably elevated to new heights with great humour.

    Why did you join the OBA Board?
    I started because of my lifelong interest in the School and wanting to learn about non-profit boards. I've stayed on because I've made incredible friendships, I clearly see our ability to create a more engaged, inclusive alumni community, and I cherish Sodexo dining opportunities.

    Are/have any of your children or grandchildren attend(ing/ed) St. George’s?
    Riley Tringham '14
    Will Verchere-Gopaulsingh '20
  • Director: Stephen Millen

    Class of 1970

    Role: Director
    Year Joined OBA Board: Too long ago, sometime in the 70s

    What Committee(s) do you currently sit on with the OBA Board?
    · Signature Committee
    · Brand & Communications Committee (Chair)

    What is your favourite memory of your time attending St. George’s School?
    The lasting friendships.

    Why did you join the OBA Board?
    I complained to the Board Chair about lack of younger grads on the Board and was told if I wanted to change that I should join the Board.

    Are/have any of your children or grandchildren attend(ing/ed) St. George’s?
    Robert Glass-Millen '00
  • Director: Edward Chapman

    Class of 1977

    Role: Director
    Year Joined OBA Board: 2018

    What Committee(s) do you currently sit on with the OBA Board?
    · House Committee
    · Global Network Committee

    What is your favourite memory of your time attending St. George’s School?
    Too many great memories to list, but all revolved around the wonderful camaraderie generated at Saints. John Lawrence was giving me a hard time in Chemistry once, so I told him not to worry because "I'm picking up good titrations (oom bop bop)"!

    Why did you join the OBA Board?
    My son also attended Saints from Grade 1 to 12, so I have been involved with the School for many years. Board membership gives an opportunity to help steer the OBA and this great school into the future.

    Are/have any of your children or grandchildren attend(ing/ed) St. George’s?
    Edward Chapman ‘17
  • Director: Kenneth Li

    Class of 1995

    Role: Director
    Year Joined OBA Board: 2021

    What Committee(s) do you currently sit on with the OBA Board?
    · House Committee
    · Recent Grad & Mentorship Committee
    What is your favourite memory of your time attending St. George’s School?
    I really enjoyed the chance to participate in a wide variety of activities that challenged me in all ways: from taking AP-level science and math electives, to busting out tunes on my flute, and then playing on the badminton and tennis squads. On the evenings or weekends, I would be participating in some service club activity giving back to the community. There was always something to do. One of my favourite memories was going on a band tour to Europe in Grade 10 and being part of an acapella group in my Grade 11 year.

    Why did you join the OBA Board?
    When I graduated from the School in 1995, one of the few ways I was able to still feel connected to the School was via the Hamper Drive. In recent years, I also volunteered as a mentor for the Georgian Mentor program, assisted some of the Fusion 10 students on their projects, and reconnected with many past staff and faculty. I believe it is important for Alumni to maintain strong roots and connections to what helped build them into fine men, and our duty to help the younger alumni get there as well. The OBA Board and their vision is the perfect place for me to make that impact.

    Are/have any of your children or grandchildren attend(ing/ed) St. George’s?
    Desmond Li '31
  • Director: Maxim Gotsutsov

    Class of 2003

    Role: Director
    Year Joined OBA Board: 2015

    What Committee(s) do you currently sit on with the OBA Board?
    · Global Network Committee
    · Brand & Communications Committee

    What is your favourite memory of your time attending St. George’s School?
    My tennis career at St. George's as well as the Grade 9 Outdoor Education trip.

    Why did you join the OBA Board?
    I would like to serve the Alumni of the School, assist in mentorship, and grow the Alumni Brand.

    Are/have any of your children or grandchildren attend(ing/ed) St. George’s?
  • Director: Cameron Hui

    Class of 2006

    Year Joined OBA Board: 2022

    What Committee(s) do you currently sit on with the OBA Board?
    · Finance and New Grads

    What is your favourite memory of your time attending St. George’s School?
    I was a lifer and got to see all of the different ways the School worked to support the unique interests of every student over the years. I was on the tennis team and had great memories of our California Tours, which allowed our team to bond and grow. This ultimately led to winning back-to-back provincial titles!

    Why did you join the OBA Board?
    Prior to returning to Vancouver in 2018, I spent several years in New York. I remember attending the OBA events there and feeling the warmth of the OBA community so far from home. Making new connections and friendships was facilitated by the fact we were all Georgians. I wanted to join the Board to help other Georgians feel that same warmth of the OBA community.

    Are/have any of your children or grandchildren attend(ing/ed) St. George’s?
  • Director: Tristan Sawtell

  • Director: Evan Davies

  • Director: Yutong Zhang

St. George’s School acknowledges that we are situated on the unceded traditional territory of the Musqueam First Nation.

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