Building Fine Young Men. One Boy at a Time.
Our Mission is to inspire our students to become fine young men who will shape positive futures for themselves, their families, and the global community. Through a broad and inclusive program, our students will be educated and prepared for life. They will possess a solid knowledge base in a wide range of disciplines, as well as core academic skills combined with 21st-century global skills. During their time at Saints, they will also develop key virtues such as empathy, humility, integrity, resilience, respect, and responsibility. They will be inspired to become good men!
Empathy, Humility, Integrity, Respect, Responsibility, Resilience
Since its founding in 1930, character education has always been integral to St. George’s School. One of the actions arising from our new Strategic Plan was to develop and affirm a list of core values. In the fall of 2011, we did this by means of a collaborative process involving all stakeholder groups and securing input by means of surveys and small group discussions. Having adopted our list of core values, we currently are developing a comprehensive plan to infuse them through the St. George’s community.