Student Experience


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St. George’s School Transportation Department is a busy operation, transporting students from the Junior and Senior campuses daily. We take students and their equipment on over 1,300 Athletic, Academic, and Outdoor Education trips each year. We operate a small fleet of six school buses and various vans and trucks, employing a full-time staff of four drivers.
In addition, St. George’s operates a system of eight bus routes available for students at no additional cost. Pick-ups and drop-offs operate on a ‘hub’ system throughout Metro Vancouver, providing safe and efficient transportation for students and staff.

Thirdwave Bus Services operates the following routes: Burnaby/49th, Cross Town, Deer Lake/41st, Mid Town, North Shore, Richmond East, and Richmond West.
The UBC Route is operated by St. George’s School
Students must register before each school year to ride the bus. The registration form can be found on the School Portal. When registration opens, a message will be sent to all parents. Once signed in to the School Portal, an alert will appear to complete the Bus Registration Form. 
Thanks for riding the bus!
Mr. Gary Backhouse 
Head Of Transportation

Contact Information

If you have any questions about our bus routes or the registration process, we're here to help.

The St. George's School Transportation Office can be reached by phone at 604-221-3618 or by email at:

Thirdwave Bus Services
can be contacted at 604-247-1221 or after hours at 604-768-3787.

Important Information

List of 5 items.

  • Code Of Conduct For Students

      The School Bus is considered an extension of the School; therefore, the same rules that apply in the School apply to the School Bus. Abiding by these rules will help ensure a safe, comfortable ride for everyone. Remember that riding the School Bus is a privilege, not a right. 
      • Please arrive at your stop 5 minutes before the scheduled time to allow for safe boarding of the bus.
      • Always listen to your Bus Driver 
      • Treat the Bus Driver and your fellow passengers with respect.
      • Always remain seated and wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before getting up to get off at your stop.
      • Keep your voice at a low volume and use appropriate language.
      • Do not yell, throw things, or hang any part of your body out of the windows.
      • Keep everything out of the aisle.
      • Do not eat or drink anything on the bus. This is not a rule —  it's the law!
      • When leaving the bus, take all your belongings, including garbage.
      Failure to comply with these rules may result in temporary or permanent suspension from the bus service.

    • Health Protocols For School Buses

      COVID-19 Protocols For School Buses

      Before boarding the bus, All students and staff must perform a daily self-health check for symptoms of common cold, influenza, COVID-19, or other infectious respiratory diseases. If a student or staff member is sick, they must not take the bus or go to school.

      Masks are no longer mandatory while riding the bus. Staff and students must supply their own masks.

      Students and staff should clean their hands before taking the bus. Hand sanitizer is available on the bus.

      Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

    • Biking & Walking

      We encourage students to commute to school by walking or bicycling, both of which promote a healthy use of our bodies. The School provides covered bicycle storage at both campuses.

      Tools and pumps for minor bike repairs are also available at the bike parking area at each campus. Students have access to end-of-trip facilities (showers and lockers) in the school change rooms.

      Electric motor-assisted cycles (with pedals), and electric scooter with motors of less than 500 watts, and a maximum speed of 32km/h or less, may be ridden to school by students 16 years of age or older, in accordance with ICBC regulations.  More information is available at
    • Pick-Up / Drop-Off Zones

      Junior School Pick-Up / Drop-Off Zones
      • Primary Grades (K–3): Drop off and pick up on West 29th Avenue near the East gate. Or, park on the street, where signage permits, and walk your son in.
      • Grades 4–5: Drop off and pick up on West 29th Avenue. Please note that there is a “five-minute stopping only” zone in front of the School.
      • Grades 6–7: Drop off and pick up at Chaldecott Park. A crossing guard is provided to assist students across West 27th Avenue and Wallace Street. 
      • Please do not drop off and pick up on Wallace Street!
      Senior School Pick-Up / Drop-Off Zones
      • Drop off and pick up on West 29th Avenue, west of Camosun Street, in front of the Senior. School. 
      • Drop off and pick up on the west side of Camosun Street between West 28th Avenue and West 29th Avenue.
      • It is preferred that you drop off 1–2 blocks away and allow your son to walk to school
      • Carpooling is highly encouraged.
      • No student drop-off or pick-up on the Senior School campus at any time.

      Drop-Off and Pick-Up Tips

      When picking up or dropping off, please do not park close to corners, crosswalks, or in the areas marked by signs. There needs to be visibility of pedestrians entering the crosswalk so do not block this clearance. If you need to wait to pick up students, please find another area to do so. Please respect all traffic regulations.

      To make drop-off easier, please have your student sit behind the passenger, on the right-hand side of the car, with their backpack on their lap. This will help keep traffic flowing and reduce the congestion on the narrow streets around the school.

      Do NOT allow students to exit the car on the left-hand side of the vehicle into traffic.
    • Students Driving To School


      Driving an automobile to school is a privilege reserved for students in Grades 11 and 12, subject to the restrictions of the Province’s graduated driver program.

      • Any student wishing to drive to school must follow the vehicle registration procedure with the Associate Principal, Student Life.
      • Student vehicles must be parked on the street, not in the school parking lot.
      • Students who drive or park irresponsibility will have driving privileges revoked.

      Motorcycles and motorized scooters/skateboards

      For student safety, motorcycles, including Limited Speed Motorcycles requiring a driver’s license, may not be driven to/from School. Motorized scooters, skateboards and pocket bikes are not legal on BC roads or sidewalks and therefore may not be driven or ridden to School.


      Please follow City of Vancouver parking regulations and be courteous to our neighbors.  Please abide by the following:
      • Do not park in front of our neighbours homes for more than 2 hours.
      • Do not park in the school parking lots from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm.
      • School parking lots are available for parent use for evening and weekend events.
    St. George’s School acknowledges that we are situated on the unceded traditional territory of the Musqueam First Nation.

    Contributions to St. George's School Foundation are eligible for tax receipts as prescribed by Canadian law. St. George's School Foundation's Charitable Registration Number is: 11917-5511 RR0001.
    ©2021 St. George’s School. All Rights Reserved