Outdoor Education

Senior School Programs

Grade 8

List of 4 items.

  • Trip Details

    Two-Day and One-Night Community Trip in September 
  • Trip Overview

    Each year, our Grade 8s go on a Community-building Trip to Camp Summit in September. During this trip, students will stay in cabins, and participate in numerous activities with their new Advisory Groups. This trip allows for new students to meet those who have come up through the Junior School, and bring the whole grade together as they embark on their high school careers.
  • Navig8 — Three-Day, Two-Night Intro To Camping In May

    In May of each year, the Grade 8s get their first true Outdoor Education experience. On the Navig8 Trip, students will sleep in tents for the first time with St. George's School. Students will learn to cook on a camp stove, participate in a full day of Paddling, and a full day of Hiking, and build more connections with their peer group. These trips prepare students for the larger expeditions in Grades 9 and 10 and focus on the School’s Core Values.
  • Core Values Focus


    Students will learn and be encouraged to respect the environment they travel through their peers and leaders and of course, themselves while on this amazing Outdoor Experience.

Grade 9

List of 3 items.

  • Trip Details

    Explorer — Five-Day Outdoor Education Experience in September and October
  • Trip Overview

    Each fall, our Grade 9s embark on their Explorer Trips. Prior to these expeditions, students rank their preferred activity (Hiking, Rock Climbing, Sea Kayaking or Canoeing) and then are assigned to their trip. This five-day experience includes one preparation day on campus, followed by a four-day, three-night expedition. It is a fantastic opportunity for students to explore this beautiful province and engage deeply in an outdoor activity.
  • Core Values Focus

    Responsibility & Humility

    The Explorer Trips focus on fostering responsibility and humility in our students. They will participate in all elements of their Outdoor Education Trips and learn the value of responsibility based on the fact that teamwork is an essential aspect of a successful camping trip. It is hard not to be humble when we focus on the vastness and immense beauty of nature. We help students realize that engaging in the outdoors is not about “conquering” nature but about becoming one with it.

Grade 10

List of 2 items.

  • Sea to Sky – Six-Day Outdoor Education Experience In April/May

    Trip Details

    Week 1
    Training: Sunday, April 27, 2025
    Trip: Monday, April 28, 2025, to Friday, May 2, 2025

    Week 2
    Training: Monday, May 5, 2025
    Trip: Tuesday, May 6, 2025 to Saturday, May 10, 2025

    Trip Overview

    Each spring, our Grade 10 students participate in their Sea to Sky Expeditions. Similar to Grade 9, students will rank their preferred trip style and location (Hike, Sea Kayak, Canoeing, and Rock Climbing), but on this trip, we add two key elements of challenge and learning. Students will prepare all their own food prior to this experience, and the extra day allows us to access so many more places! This experience will include one preparation day on our main campus, followed by a five-day expedition.
  • Core Values Focus

    Resilience & Empathy

    The Sea to Sky Trips are designed to focus on our Core Values of Resilience and Empathy. Students will learn to empathize with their peers as they face challenges together and need to rely on each other for support. Students will demonstrate resilience as they learn how strong and capable they are when they support each other.

Contact Us

If you have additional questions, please contact the Outdoor Education department at outdoored@stgeorges.bc.ca

Discovery 10

List of 1 items.

  • Program Overview

    The Discovery Program is designed to be a life-changing experience for Grade 10 students. The program is a year-long outdoor education cohort of up to 20 students who extend their learning by undertaking challenging outdoor pursuits over the course of their Grade 10 year. Through a wide range of activities, the program challenges our students in body, mind, and spirit to become positive, contributing members of society. Students will take almost all classes together as a group and participate in upwards of 50 days of experiential learning while on expeditions throughout the year.

    The following video includes information about the program, images of trips and activities, and interviews with students who have previously participated in the Discovery Program.

    Students in the Discovery Program participate fully in all aspects of the regular Grade 10 curriculum with an additional focus on:
    • Developing leadership
    • Develop social and emotional skills
    • Develop a strong sense of community
    • Understanding risk and decision-making
    • Enhance their understanding of place-based education and environmental sustainability 
    • Enhancing outdoor skills through wilderness experiences

How It Works

List of 2 items.

  • Program Structure

    The Discovery Program breaks away from the traditional high school setting by bringing together a group of up to 20 students to form a cohort for their Grade 10 year. Because of this structure, the class can take part in approximately 50 days of fieldwork over the course of the year while still completing all aspects of the grade 10 curriculum. The students take English 10, Science 10, Social Studies 10, PE 10 and the Discovery 10 class (an elective block) together. Students take Math 10 (Provincial or Honours), one language credit and an elective with the rest of the grade 10 students at the school (not as part of the cohort). The flexible timetable options provided by the cohort system allows the scheduling of catch-up blocks and tutorials in order to cover material missed in students’ math and language courses.

    Careful time management and planning allows Discovery students to gain the benefits of this unique learning environment while maintaining a strong academic standing. Our students also continue to be a part of school life and many are involved in competitive sports, theatre, music and leadership opportunities.
  • Objectives

    The Discovery program offers a unique opportunity for students to develop a range of lifelong skills. All of the areas of focus of outdoor education are covered through a wide range of school-based and out-trip activities:

    Personal and Interpersonal Skills
    • demonstrate responsibility and respect for themselves, others and their surroundings;
    • extend their personal boundaries by making good decisions in challenging themselves;
    • reflect upon their experiences and identify personal strengths and weaknesses;
    • be an effective member of a group (active listening and communication, cooperation/followship, initiative);
    • develop their leadership skills and personal leadership style.

    Environmental and Social Responsibility
    • empathize with the needs of others and other species;
    • gain an appreciation for the cultures and places they visit;
    • appreciate the value of others and demonstrate social responsibility by making decisions accordingly;
    • develop their ecological literacy by studying natural systems and how humans interact with the environment from social, cultural, economic and political perspectives;
    • define their personal environmental ethic and take action in their own lives to support their position as a steward;

    Academic Integration
    • learn academic concepts through the use of direct experience;
    • connect their experiences in the field with learning in the classroom;
    • view issues and concepts from a variety of perspectives.

    Outdoor Skills
    • experience and develop lifelong interests in a variety of self-propelled outdoor activities;
    • learn specific practices that emphasize proficiency and maximize safety;
    • develop the skills required to assess risk and make responsible and prudent decisions for themselves and the group;
    • demonstrate low-impact outdoor skills.

    Discovery offers the opportunity to learn:
    • Trip planning
    • Wilderness cooking
    • Health and hygiene
    • Leave No Trace (LNT) camping skills
    • Hiking
    • Canoeing
    • Sea kayaking
    • Navigation
    • Top-rope rock climbing
    • Avalanche awareness
    • Winter camping
    • Cross-country skiing
    • Snowshoeing, backcountry skiing or snowboarding
    • Expedition leadership


List of 5 frequently asked questions.

  • What will be the impact on my son's academic performance?

    We find that most students maintain similar marks to what they were achieving in Grade 9. Grade 10 is a more challenging workload so some students will struggle to maintain their standard regardless of whether or not they take Discovery. The increased self-confidence, organizational skills, and motivation from Discovery often result in improved performance in Grades 11 and 12.
  • Will my son be able to participate in competitive sports?

    Yes, students have participated in all sports at even the senior level during Discovery. Students should, however, be prepared to miss some practices and games. Please speak with respective coaches to discuss any implications. We recommend that students not participate in more than one competitive sport per term while in Discovery.
  • Will my son still be able to participate in other aspects of school life?

    Yes, we encourage students to stay involved with music, drama, the arts, clubs, and other aspects of the school. Discovery students are also expected to make a strong commitment to the Hamper Drive, the Fair, Arts Week, and other major initiatives.
  • Does my son require previous outdoor experience?

    While it is helpful to have past experience, we teach all skills starting with the most basic. Students with more advanced skills are encouraged to help teach their peers. We are more interested in a demonstrated positive attitude towards the outdoors than existing skills.
  • What equipment is required?

    Students are required to provide the following items:
    • warm non-cotton outdoor clothing
    • good rain gear (jacket and pants)
    • solid hiking boots
    • warm sleeping bag and pad
    • 70 - 80-litre backpack
    The school provides most of the group equipment (tents, stoves, etc.) and activity-specific equipment (PFDs, paddles, snowshoes) required for the activities undertaken. A small number of optional activities may require students to borrow or rent additional equipment (for example backcountry ski touring equipment. More specific details regarding equipment are included in the Discovery Handbook.


List of 1 items.

  • Leadership

    The Outdoor Education department encourages students in grades 10–12 to become involved in the various grade programs offered throughout the year. Dates are added to the list below as they become available.  For information on volunteering for these events, please visit the Outdoor Education office in room 218A.


List of 2 items.

  • Student Leadership at Camps

    We run day programs and residential programs for grades 1 to 8. This is an excellent opportunity for student leadership and mentoring of younger students. Information on available opportunities can be found in the Leadership section above.
  • Harker Hall Weekend Activities

    Harker Hall runs a number of excellent weekend outings, including some outdoor trips. 
St. George’s School acknowledges that we are situated on the unceded traditional territory of the Musqueam First Nation.

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